So your a mom now and everywhere you look you will find people full of advice. There are books on what you shouldn't do and books on what you should and what one person says is bad another will tell you its good. (kinda like dieting) So today as I was reading through my facebook feed someone shared an article on not yelling at your kids and what this mom learned by not yelling.
Now reading through the article I personally found the mother to have made several valid points and at one point she even called herself a Rhino, which was hilarious, I loved it and will post the link at the bottom. Now what set me off though was one of her viewers comments, they applauded her for ending her behavior because if she really got that mad and out of control she was abusing her kids. SERIOUSLY, are you kidding me people?, this is a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. While I will go ahead and state that YES you can abuse your children verbally as well as physically the simple act of getting angry, shaking(meaning you start shaking), turning red, and shouting at the top of your lungs to GO TO YOUR ROOMS NOW! is not abuse, screaming ,yelling, and shouting to knock it off, leave your sibling alone, keep your hands to yourself, and etc are not ABUSE (at least not in my opinion). Now abuse would be " Get over here now you low life , little abortion I should have had, " that would start to constitute as abuse and would warrant an OKAY mom knock it off.
So this all brings me to my point , the biggest fight of them all , what do good moms do ? Well boys and girls good moms love their children, good moms care, and good moms do whats best for their children(Thats specific there, I literally mean their individual children). As a child from the "get a belt" era I can assure you getting my ass spanked didn't make me a criminal, however getting my rear tanned got a point through my head that you don't do that again mmmmmmmmmmmkay. Now some parents don't believe in spanking and thats fine by me but whether you do or don't unless you have a degree and a ton of research to support your theory don't go around telling people that they are wrong for the way they raise their kids. So this all brings me to my list of what good mom's don't do.
1. Let others beliefs overthrow her own beliefs on what is right for her children
Short list ? Well its simple, isn't it and goes back to my main point as a mother you do what is best for your children and don't let others tell you that you are wrong. There are a million blogs out there talking about what changes a person has made and how it has affected their children and life and it is just fine to browse through those things in an attempt to get ideas, better yourself, or make a better life for your family in general. Asking, googling, searching, or whatever else is needed is nothing to be ashamed of and I don't claim to be a perfect mother by any means, I have faults but it just really gets to me when I see someone saying that yelling at your children is abuse or spanking is abuse or even not doing so is abuse. I mean at what point is enough , enough . People have complaints about everything, they get mad if your kid is acting a fool but then claim its abuse when you discipline the child . Therefore, moms/parents discipline how you feel is appropriate for your child because only you know what will work for them and if you need help ask, just don't let those who "know it all" influence how you raise your children because they have made your afraid. Lets all do society a favor and stay out of our neighbors houses and let them raise their children as they see fit. (disclaimer: I'm not saying allow children to be actually abused I'm just saying if you see a parent swat a kid on the rear whether you agree or not walk away and shut your mouth)
The article I was talking about above, I enjoyed it and thought the author made some excellent points ....
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