Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why cant i cover two different topics in one post?Changing plans and marriage equality

At this point do I need to put a warning ;)
    So when plans change I feel about like the cow above ready to strike, scream, or eat anyone or anything that comes in my path. So what has made me so angry this week well let me start with this OUR GOVERNMENT SUCKS. So I am in the process of changing majors and I was slated to start April 9th in the new program, so I have been totally psyched out and ready, even got things confirmed. Then my financial aid adviser calls to inform me that things have changed and so recently in fact he didn't know until he was in the process of getting me processed. What is this change ? As explained to me and my understanding. It was that previously if you were in a masters program you just had to complete 25 hours and could change majors well now you have to wait for the financial year(ie first started Aug 13th have to wait for that date again)- FYI this is the loan departments thing NOT the schools so this will effect anyone. The messed up thing about this is technically I still have open and available aid this year they just won't let me use it to change majors, I'm unhappy about this at the least but I will make due with it because that is what I do- Smile nod and just get psyched up for August.

 Now, the big discussion this week is on marriage equality, okay so being honest when is this not a big issue recently. Here is my thought on this - Whatever Floats your Boat - seriously people if it doesn't effect you personally then why are you so concerned about stopping something. What people do in their own homes is their business and being honest they will continue to do whatever they want whether we allow them to be married and HELL in a country with divorce rates as high as they are maybe the "gays and lesbians" can help lower that divorce rate statistic, maybe it will still continue to rise but maybe it won't who knows. However, at the end of the day people will still go home to the person they love whether or not you allow them to call themselves married or not so why not allow it, why not allow them to have a person to legally have and to hold for better or worse till death do them part. Also,I read so many things about people claiming they are Christian and that this is an abomination and sin etc etc and they preach nothing but hate filled words and judgement so while I may not be Christian I found an interesting passage that I believe fills this situation perfectly .(my point isn't that being Christian is bad its just I thought being Christian meant being free from hate so why preach hate to prove a point)

Romans 14:1-4

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

Now everything is open to interpretation in life and I don't claim to fully understand the Bible or Christianity I just believe in being a good person and I really think this passage expresses that(should also note here that for my passage that proves my point I'm sure you can find one that proves yours, but I like this one because it speaks, in my opinion, to just being a general morally sound and tolerant person). My interpretation is to welcome those who believe differently do not fight about your opinions and do not judge one other for a difference. In all I take a passage about being tolerant if you do not believe that marriage equality is right, well then so be it , but don't preach a message full of hate when it is much easier to just accept you are different and move on because in the end there will be one judge and it is not you. Now again this is my interpretation of this if you feel it is wrong ,well again that is your opinion. I just can't stand to see so many people trying to hold their heads and noses up at the world and claiming to be so much better than another person but yet spill nothing but hatred out of their mouth if you want to pose an argument do so without spewing hate that is all I am saying. Why can't we all just get along? LOL. Seriously though my take is if it floats your boat that's great just don't go trying to rock mine and keep your boat shows away from my kids and that goes for gay, straight, bi-sexual, tri-sexual , and well shit any kind of sexual preferences, my kids don't need to see two people pawing each other regardless of gender preference. =)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Horsemen of PMS

TMI WARNING: will i ever have a post without a warning I doubt it - im an uncensored mad cow Lol.

   So as I sit here busting my butt to look good again and get in shape what happens but PMS, which I am one of the few who manage to get all the symptoms a week before the actual dirty deed arrives and I get it all pretty bad - think Anemic. So when the horsemen of PMS arrive I get agitated because its like all my hard work is now null and void for the next week , its cow-poop I tell you, cow-poop. 
   However I figure I should discuss these  Horsemen in an attempt to connect with my fellow sisters in PMS HELL. 

1. Bloated - Does anyone else deal with this one like I do? Seriously, I have been known to put on up to 10 pounds right before that time hits and its misery, especially now that I am working my butt off trying to lose weight . I mean seriously here I am starving, eating right, and exercising(that should be a 4 letter word) and bam bloated shows up like a dirty whore in the middle of your marriage. Now my pants are a little snug and my cute tops have an extra bulge and I'm gassy, which brings me to horsemen number.

2. Gassy- Okay seriously there is nothing better then dealing with the bloat than to add gas to it, oh yeah talk about feeling sexy, bloated and gassy. I'm sexy and I know it.

3. Acne-  COME ON can't one of you horsemen take a break, pleeeeeeeeeease. Seriously if one of you take a break acne has to be it I am an aging woman , I am turning 25 again this year and acne at my age is annoying, if I have to have acne can't I at least have the body I had back at 13. 

4. Moody - This is one of my favorite horsemen because it allows me the ability to go from perfectly sane kind caring woman to a complete and "udder" mess. Its all love and kisses one minute and all "ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL RIP YOUR HEART OUT"  the next. Moody is also responsible for weird crying , why do I call it weird crying because all the sudden things that never make me cry make me cry , don't you dare show me an ASPCA commercial I will cry for hours. At last, my favorite mood brought on by moody is bitchy/bitter, you know that moment when your kid is all look mom isn't this a wonderful drawing and you put on your happy face but inside your like omg who cares I could do it better. These mixed emotions that turn me into an all out psycho is why moody is my absolute favorite of the horsemen. -------- NOT

5. Crampy - I add this one because while typically most people don't get crampy until the day the dirty deed begins or maybe a day early, I get it during PMS. Yes boys and girls all that cramping before anything is actually happening and personally it is beginning to piss me off . 

   Maybe I am bitter because I have been dealing with this since I was 10 and while the joy of becoming a woman then was so awesome, now its like ughhhhhhhhh I'm a woman. Honestly, I would love to strap on a penis and be a man for a month with male hormones and all , while also giving a man a chance to know the joy of PMS, and finally I will have a month to figure out why they keep their hands down their pants so much I mean is that thing really that fun to fondle constantly.

*finally as a reminder all pictures were Googled and are not originals of my own*

Thursday, March 14, 2013

You do what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What I'm doing for results..

So before I proceed some of this information may be perceived as TMI(much like the picture below) so proceed carefully and know this -  YOU have been warned - again
 So I have been doing things,dirty things. JUST KIDDING, but I have been doing things my way when it comes to weight loss and skin care. Now by my way I mean things I have found from Google and friends suggestions but that may not fit the "norm". So I thought since these things appear to be working for me I would share them with you and what results I am seeing so far. Now I would like to give credit to all these things to the original creators but I won't be doing so because I don't know so I will say this - THESE ARE NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEAS these are just ones I am using based on friends and google - just like all my awesome images I use they come from google. GOOOOOOGLE rocks YO .
Weight Loss--
         First i record everything with myfitnesspal which gives me a calorie goal of 1950 which I almost never hit I'm usually under.. So here we go , 2 Chocolate Royale Slim-Fast shakes a day made with Vanilla Almond Milk and a Green Coffee bean Extract pill in the morning and one at night . Snacks I try to keep to a minimal a small piece or two of homemade beef jerky , a cookie(seriously 1 (one, uno,single,) cookie, a tbsp of salsa and the proper serving size of chips so like 5 chips in most cases, when it comes to snacking I'm talking really small portions of things, cucumbers and stuff like that. I'm a woman and on occasion I want chocolate well 6 dove dark pieces make up a serving which has like 160 calories so think about 2-3 of those if you need chocolate. I don't eat breakfast and I have my shake and i don't eat lunch i have my shake unless Im just really starving then I fix like say a can of soup for my son and eat 1/3 or less of it, now dinner I eat a normal dinner but in smaller portions then normal and try to keep my dinner down to 500 calories or less but if I go over no BIGGIE because the rest of the day wasn't so bad. Then when I start feeling hungry later I take that second Green Coffee bean pill it seems to help the cravings and I drink some water(typically with pink lemonade mix- regular water makes me GAG.

   Now, I try to do some sort of exercise be it hours of hard cleaning and I'm talking scrubbing floors, mopping, sweeping , vacuuming, or a few minutes on the elliptical . Yeah, a few minutes isn't a lot but it is for someone just starting and I'm up to 2 slow and 3 fast minutes on it so considering that number used to be 2 and done I'd say things are going good.
  Things that have been cut out. Pasta's right now are on a very minimal basis and cheese's have been cut down a lot, as well as breads, think a sandwich with only one piece of bread if I have a sandwich , soda's as well not that I have ever been a big soda's drinker so that was nothing.
    Slimfast warning though - it contains fiber and fiber makes you "regular" but if you haven't been getting the proper fiber at first you may discover a need for a nearby bathroom, A LOT, until your body regulates and even then you may notice an increase in bathroom usage--- I told you TMI. You were warned. Now my plan here may not work for everyone but so far I am down almost 10+ pounds in a week and 5 inches at last measure but this works for me it doesn't mean it will work for you so keep that in mind and know your weakness's.

Skin care - -
So as a maturing woman my skin care has been a problem. Not that I dont take care of my skin I do but for some reason I have been "blessed" with the joy that is acne and large pores and tired eyes. UGHHHHHH not what I want to see looking in the mirror, so a friend suggested the oil wash method(50/50 mix of EVOO and coconut oil) and I was like hmmm I lack coconut oil but I have grape seed sooooooooo I googled and sure enough you can use just grape seed alone and a bath with some grape seed oil is good for your skin and even other benefits, I saw one site mention that grape seed oil can help yeast infections(now i have not tried that one but found it on a search and thought it interesting). However I took a bath splashed some in the water with some sea salt and had a nice relaxing bath and my skin feels moisturized and smooth,  yesssssssssssss and thank you its nice to feel soft. So then I decided to try the face wash with it so what  I do at night is get a cotton ball and use lemon juice as an astringent and then another one to coat my face in grape seed oil , I then go about taking medications putting kids to bed and closing up shop for the night and rinse my face off and I have to report that at first I had a few zits pop up and I got worried but they were the "oh a zit grrr ,oh I touched it and it popped,coool" kind -- does that make sense, I hope so.. But sense then nothing much to report and my face is smooth my eye bags seem to be fading and my forehead wrinkles appear to be fading as well. Now here is the last thing I do and its not every night, but rather as a special treat.... You know KNOX gelatin (the plain stuff comes with 3 packs in a cheap box) well upon googling I found a recipe that stated take the Knox box open it remove 1 pack and mix with 1 tbsp milk stir , stick in microwave for 10 seconds pull out stir for a second and immediately apply.. ( here are the important parts to this :use a plastic spoon or wooden stick this stuff gets sticky and the apply immediately is extremely important it will start to harden and you will lose your creation). However I do use a regular bowl at home and have found that after I'm done if I immediately stick the bowl in the sink and fill with water I have no problems getting it clean..... Now to remove this just wait until you feel like you can't move your face ,its good and hard and than peel- it does stick good and may be a bit painful on sensitive spots - I have noticed cleaner pores with this but I will warn you DO NOT GET IT ON YOUR EYEBROW it will pull the hair off - I get peach fuzz between my eyes and well lets just say its gone along with some eyebrow from the first time, I have contemplated trying this as a wax on my legs and I may do it on a two tequila night when I'm feeling brave .. I also recommend a homemade sugar scrub once in a while to keep your face feeling really loved - but you will have to google it yourself as I haven't made one in awhile and I need to google a new one.
 Over all these are the things I use and feel free to try what you want. However, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on T.V. and while these things work for me they may not work for you. With any new diet or exercise I suggest you discuss with your doctor before committing to it and as far as skin care, I suggest testing a small area for allergies.  These things are working for me and I am beginning to lose weight and feel great and I will try to keep with the updates. SO onward to the goal of not being such a heffer. =)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Dirty 30 and forever 25

               Warning: Franki AKA the SUPER MAD COW has a potty mouth and does not sensor herself                 well you have been warned
      So the past few days I have been wrestling with myself a lot. Why ? Because holy hell I turn 30 in August, when did this happen , how did this happen, where the hell did my 20's go ???? Now this will be the last time that you will hear my age because from now on I will be forever 25, so suck on that bitches j/k , I'm an adult and I can be whatever I want to be, at least that's what I was told as a kid.  Anyway a lot of things have been running through my mind like ummmmmm this isn't what I was supposed to look like at this age and why am I still in college, why am I still just a mom and wife , and so much more. So I figured why not share my story here with everyone because "hell, I'm sure someone else out there feels the same or shares my problems, I hope - oh no maybe i'm crazy , craaaaaaaaaaap now you can see how often i talk to myself.... So I will start with that as a mom in a town that I am new too I have no friends  here and my husband works night's, sooooooooo my conversations tend to lean towards bills, kids, potty training, and Toy Story , therefore on occasion I need good stimulating conversation so I tend to talk to myself, I honestly didn't consider this a problem until I started giving long practiced speeches and I was like okay maybe your losing it, but then I started answering myself and I thought okay I've lost it but then I started having full fledged conversations with myself in which I would answer myself, argue with myself and even refuse to answer myself because I was just being stubborn. Then I figured okay maybe I'm a full fledged nut case but that's okay, now when I talk to myself I can do it here and you can see it so I am talking to you - yeah you sitting at your computer going OMG WHY AM I STILL READING THIS - so to that I quote Sheldon and BAZINGA. LOL . So now onto issue 2 I was supposed to still look like I did 10 yrs ago , I mean I expected a wrinkle or two, nothing Botox wouldn't fix and to still fit into my jeans from high school but no I had kids and stress and abusive relationships so instead I have this, an overweight fat ass who has bags under eyes and wrinkles on her forehead and bingo wings there I admitted I have flipping BINGO WINGS. OMG I was a pitcher, a catcher, a first basemen, and a home run hitter I had a tight ass, flat stomach, killer calves, well shaped arms, and an EFFING AWESOME RACK. Now I have BINGO WINGS , my rack well just call me MOOZILLA because OMG they look like cow utters MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can someone milk me please . AGH what happened ? LIFE, well eff you life because one thing is for sure I'm getting back my ass, my tummy, and hopefully the doctor will help with the utters when that time comes and as far as the wrinkles well I'm using home remedies there and hopefully they work (Knox face mask, lemon juice, an grapeseed oil ) and as far as my weight well I'm using two Slim fast shakes a day, 2 green coffee bean pills, and myfitnesspal.. I also hike on occasion and try to get on the elliptical but the exercise part is still hard so I one day a time with that until hopefully I can run a 5k(thats the big goal) but it has to be a zombie one because ,seriously, I hated running when I was thin so when I get thin again give me a motivation to run like practicing for the inevitable zombie Apocalypse DUH.  OKAY, now next  I will take two birds one stone, I'm still just a mom and wife because I'm still in college. Well I'm starting a Masters program so technically its not the same but it is, if that makes sense LOL. Here I will start with this I don't believe in going to college and getting a degree that people think you should get, I mean I have a massive debt think 2013 Audi TT big and when I finish with my degree it will be closer to an Audi R8 , and see here is the thing you are paying for this degree and if that is the case then get full use out of that Audi R8 make sure you ride it every day and all your friends see how much you love it and enjoy your time with it and do it for you, most importantly make sure its what you want not them because again its YOUR AUDI R8 not theirs so make sure its what you want. Finally, I will keep sharing about my weight loss struggles, school struggles, and life journey and if you keep reading I am sure you will find I am blunt , honest, love a lot and sometimes to much kinda gal, and I am a hoot and a half that lacks a sensor and I have  proven to be HILARIOUS just wait and see and I will also try to remember to share my at home trials and errors with home remedies and let you know how they go . So see you on the flip side homies. YO LMAO j/k I'm not ghetto.

p.s  This is a bingo wing see that skin hanging down it flaps like a wing when you throw your hands up violently screaming BINGO I GOT A BINGO  -- also note that is not me in the picture im not that brave to share my bingo wings LMAO

*all images have been used from google and are not mine so please don't credit me as they are borrowed for their perfect match to my blog*